Faculty and Staff Directory
Phone: 610-372-4721
Name Email Department Room Phone/Ext. Mailbox
Allison DeStefano adestefano@nbzhiai.com STUDENT AFFAIRS - Berks Counseling Center - Licensed Mental Health Counselor B 209 5071 24
Amber Reyes areyes@nbzhiai.com STUDENT AFFAIRS - Student Life Assistant Z 112 5206 14
Carmela Capellupo-Beaver ccapellupo@nbzhiai.com STUDENT AFFAIRS - Advantage Program - Support Services Specialist B 219 5721 14
Chavonna Cooper ccooper@nbzhiai.com STUDENT AFFAIRS - Student Life Assistant Z 112 5262 14
Deanna Vokes dvokes@nbzhiai.com STUDENT AFFAIRS - Director, SSSP/Advantage Program Grant B 206 5074 14
Donald Plante dplante@nbzhiai.com STUDENT AFFAIRS - Administrative Specialist - SSSP/Advantage Program B 221 5099 14
Jamica Andrews jandrews@nbzhiai.com STUDENT AFFAIRS - Director of Student Activities Z 112 610-236-3943 4
John Watts jwatts@nbzhiai.com STUDENT AFFAIRS - Advantage Program - Support Services Specialist B 219 5084 14
Maria Mitchell mmitchell@nbzhiai.com STUDENT AFFAIRS - Dean of Student Affairs B 217 5298 3
Mary Altimar maltimar@nbzhiai.com STUDENT AFFAIRS - Berks Counseling Center - Mental Health Counselor B 209 5071 24
Nicholas Garofalo ngarofalo@nbzhiai.com STUDENT AFFAIRS - Berks Counseling Center - Mental Health Counselor B 209 5071 24